Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 42

Stable rules enable continuous and reliable control of public administration, which acts within a legal framework. Therefore, public administrations’ work requires stability, consistency, precision and unambiguity of legal regulation. [1]

In: Needs

By using social media in governmental context, a new form of interaction between citizens and government can be established. The social media data can be used to collect useful information about citizens’ needs and opinions, as well as integrate citizens directly in the decision making process. Some governmental institutions also use their own social media accounts and post content online. [1][2]

In: Trends

Already the political economist and sociologist Max Weber once has pointed out that decision makers need to ensure the rationality of their decisions, by trying to balance out the best relation of means and ends.[1]

In: Needs

Concerning the public, a close cooperation between public administration and citizens seems essential. Through participative democracy and public involvement, a new relationship between the citizens and the administrations can be established. The publicity becomes a valued partner to identify problems, discover new thinking and propose solutions.

In: Needs

To improve public administration´s image, it is important to rebuild the trust in it. The citizens’ cooperation seems essential to achieve public purposes. The lack of trust can make the formulation and implementation of policies more difficult or even impossible. Relevant factors that influence citizens’ trust is the administrations´ integrity, as well as its performance.

In: Needs

Public sector organisations are mainly knowledge-intensive organisations, and to exploit their knowledge, effective knowledge sharing among the different departments is required. There can be great advantages if information is not only used in the own administration but is shared between hierarchies, different policy areas and levels of government. Including findings from other disciplines in respective monitoring systems (e.g. education, social, youth, and work) can create synergy and learning effects, which in turn leads to a share of benefits.

In: Needs

Standards require a certain legal basis and binding specifications. At the same time, they must be also accepted by the target group. If standards are enforced, they offer the advantage of planning and investment protection. This provides a good basis for further digitisation of processes.[1]

In: Needs

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a possibility to improve policy and decision making and can be understood as the automation of intelligent and human-like behaviour. The most important techniques to support specific cases of indeed high complex policy making processes are decision support and optimisation techniques, game theory, data and opinion mining, agent-based simulation and visual scenario based evaluations. [1]

In: Trends

By now, the most promising application of artificial intelligence is the use of machine learning as a subfield of AI. The Encyclopaedia Britannica states that machine learning is concerned with the implementation of computer software that can learn autonomously. [1]

In: Trends

Gartner assumes that by 2020 modern BI and analytics platform components will deliver smart, governed, search- and visual-based data discovery capabilities. Natural-language generation and artificial intelligence will be a standard feature of 90% of modern BI platforms and organisations that offer users access to a curated catalogue of internal and external data will realise twice the business value from analytics investments than those that do not. Gartner outlined fifteen critical capabilities by a BI and Analytics Platform [1]:

In: Trends

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