Big Policy Canvas will foster collaboration among public sector, enterprises,
citizens and researchers and will offer the appropriate knowledge base, research directions and recommendations towards building a more effective, efficient, precise and evidence-based public sector, promoting transparency and restoring trust to public sector structures.
Big Policy Canvas Concept and Approach
Big Policy Canvas aims at renovating the public sector on a cross-border level by developing a Roadmap that will enable public administrations to improve their readiness with regard to the integration of Big Data for the achievement of informed, evidence-based policy making in highly important application elds. The project approach for delivering its Roadmap will be based upon the following four major streams of activities:
• Community Building and Networking
• Knowledge Collection and Analysis
• Big Policy Canvas’ Innovation Offering and Roadmapping
• Awareness Creation and Sustainability
The project
The rapid transformations of our society to tackle the global challenges of our times, have posed a dire need for governments to profoundly change their modus operandi. As the long-standing e-Government goals of making services and data available online have faded, the new strategic direction evolves around an open and collaborative government model, based on the principles of effectiveness, efficiency, collaboration, transparency, participation and sustainability.
In this context, Big Policy Canvas emerges to transform public sector to an effective, efficient, precise, consistent, and evidence-based policy making structure. Big Policy Canvas is designed in a methodical, scientifically sound and verifiable manner towards setting up the appropriate community and providing the necessary knowledge base and supportive material to be used by public sector bodies, practitioners and related stakeholders.
Big Policy Canvas will deliver the necessary seeds for public sector organisations and related stakeholders to accelerate the transformation of the public sector through the identification and assessment of public sector needs and trends and an analysis and grouping of emerging methods, tools, technologies and applications, particularly examined from a big data oriented perspective, that hold the potential to disrupt the way the public sector nowadays operates.
The mission of Big Policy Canvas calls on understanding and exploring both the technological and the socio-economic landscapes that will influence and will be influenced by advanced public sector performance, in order to guarantee not only the sustainability and effective utilisation of the solutions proposed, but also the nurturing of a more data-inspired, politically educated, smart and caring generation within and outside of the public sector boundaries that will work towards improving the overall life experience in Europe.
The consortium
Big Policy Canvas is a 2-years project coordinated by ATOS Spain, based in Madrid. Consortium partners include: National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) from Greece, Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (Fraunhofer FOKUS) from Germany, and Lisbon Council from Belgium.
For any enquiries please refer to Ricard Munne Caldes, available at ricard.munne@atos.net.
For more information on the Big Policy Canvas project, contact info@bigpolicycanvas.eu.