The BigPolicyCanvas project has been guided by the vision of transforming the public sector into an efficient and evidence-based policy making structure.
The Big Policy Canvas H2020 Support Action developed a roadmap for research in Data-Driven Policy Making outlining possible path for using big data and open innovation to transform governance and policy making.
In the current Big Policy Canvas Roadmap, a number of research challenges have been presented, they are the outcome of an extensive review of the literature and consultation with experts.
The new version of the Big Policy Canvas Roadmap for Future Research Directions in Data-Driven Policy Making is available online in commentable format.
When discussing what are the drivers for smart governance to achieve evidence-based policy-making, data governance and collaborative governance are identified as main elements for framing smart gov
The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online, dynamic repository, that gathers all the knowledge produced in the course of the project. It is structured along three dimensions: Needs, Trends and Assets.
It is often claimed that policy-making should be informed and driven by scientific results. As a result, a lot of emphases is put on enhancing the dialogue between policy-makers and scientists.
In order to find out what assets, needs and trends have a big data potential, we followed a two-step approach. First, we identified big data relevant assets based on the BDV (Big Data Value) Reference Model.