Establishment of a comprehensive technical infrastructure and IT architecture

All interviewees stated that there is room for improvement in the technical infrastructure. The used technical infrastructure is partly outdated and does not meet current requirements, a fact that consequently increases administrative costs and leads to unnecessary bureaucracy. In addition, the lack of good infrastructure makes digitalisation difficult.
In concrete terms, interface problems must be solved and harmonised. Concrete requirements that have been addressed in the various interviews are a comprehensive data infrastructure component, centralised records management and the ability to work mobile. This technical need is particularly related to the policy implementation and formulation, but is also relevant in the other stages.


Type of content: Needs
Type of need: Technical need
Assessment matrix
 Agenda SettingPolicy Design and AnalysisPolicy ImplementationPolicy Monitoring and Evaluation
Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods
Economy & Finance
Education, Youth, Culture & Sport
Employment & Social Security
Environment & Energy
Foreign Affairs and Defence
Justice, Legal System & Public Safety
Public Affairs
Innovation, Science & Technology
Urban Planning & Transport
Institutional Questions / Internal Affairs

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