Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

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Displaying 81 - 90 of 102

The Interoperability Centre of the Greek Ministry of Finance is an information system, developed by the General Secretariat of Information Systems, aiming at the interconnection of Public Administration electronic services. The Interoperability Center provides a unified infrastructure for the installation and use of online services through which operational data is exchanged between the Ministry of Finance and other public bodies

In: Assets

This paper firstly reviewed several large-scale military simulations producing big data (MS big data) for a variety of usages and summarized the main characteristics of result data. Then the authors looked at the technical details involving the generation, collection, processing, and analysis of MS big data. Finally, the authors identified some key challenges and proposed a framework as a basis for future work.


In: Assets

The English government is committed to working with local authorities and their partners to help 120,000 troubled families in England turn their lives around by 2015. The family monitoring data was collected by Ecorys as part of the national evaluation of the programme. Please read the Ecorys interim report on family monitoring data for more detail and additional results.

In: Assets

Different organisations and information systems must be interoperable, so that data only needs to be requested from the citizen once. Estonia’s solution for maintaining a modern state is X-road, a platform that allows the secure exchange of data in order to provide efficient public services.

In: Assets

Civic participation that allows the active involvement of citizens in managing their street or neighbourhood.

In: Assets

Global Pulse is an innovation initiative of the UN Secretary-General, harnessing today's new world of digital data and real-time analytics to gain a better understanding of changes in human well-being. Global Pulse hopes to contribute a future in which access to better information sooner makes it possible to keep international development on track, protect the world's most vulnerable populations, and strengthen resilience to global shocks.

In: Assets

Easily track the activities of the United States Congress.

In: Assets

Ideas for Bristol was a crowds​ourcing website that was developed to engage and involve the city's residents in the redevelopment of the city centre.

In: Assets

This website gives you a unique overview of the votes cast in the European Parliament. You can easily find and compare voting records of members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and political groups and you can make your own comments and cast your own votes.

In: Assets

Integrated Planning and Management of land resources.

In: Assets

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