Better quality standards in the formulation and evaluation of norms

Regulation is an essential instrument to attain policy objectives. Better regulation is about achieving administration's objectives by rules, laws, institutions and processes to deliver better, more effective and more efficient outcomes. Therefore, certain quality standards in the formulation and evaluation of norms have to be established. Enhancing regulatory quality requires multilevel ex ante and ex post evaluation systems. To achieve better regulation, it can be helpful to assign political roles to people with specific expertise in the relevant domain. [1]
On the national level, Germany for example has established a National Regulatory Control Council, an institution responsible for regulatory impact measurements with respect to compliance costs of legislation for decision makers in government and parliament. [2]
The interviewed focus group in the policy domain social security confirmed that they would wish more support by politicians in questions of government transfer expenditure use and allocation.


[1]    Arndt, C., Hermanutz, S., Kauffmann, S., Schultz, R. (2016), Building Regulatory Policy Systems in OECD Countries, OECD Regulatory Policy Working papers, 5, OECD Publishing, Paris,
[2]    National Regulatory Control Council Germany (2017), Bureaucracy Reduction. Better Regulation. Digital Transformation. Leverage Successes - Adress Shortcomings,, retrieved February 13, 2018.
Type of content: Needs
Type of need: Legal need
Assessment matrix
 Agenda SettingPolicy Design and AnalysisPolicy ImplementationPolicy Monitoring and Evaluation
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