Ensuring data security taking into account the protection of citizens’ privacy

Concerns about insufficient security and privacy are ubiquitous when it comes to the use of new technical possibilities - especially in public management. Besides the advantages and potentials, digitisation is associated with some technical and non-technical obstacles. Data protection and information security management can help to preserve trust in government. [1]
Public administrations have to guarantee citizens´ informational self-determination, protect their sensitive personal data against unwarranted access and avoid unintended consequences (for example AI bias and identity theft). [2]
Additionally, it is necessary to ensure information security to managing sensitive information including people, processes and information systems. [3]
In this context an interviewee mentioned, that it is not even possible for them to send encrypted emails at present time.


[1]    OECD (2017), OECD Digital Government Toolkit. 12 Principles, http://www.oecd.org/governance/digital-government/toolkit/12principles/, retrieved December 21, 2017.
[2]    Website of the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), https://www.eugdpr.org/, retrieved February 7, 2018.
[3]    International Organization for Standardization (n.d.), ISO/IEC 27000 family, https://www.iso.org/isoiec-27001-information-security.html, retrieved February 7, 2018.
Type of content: Needs
Type of need: Technical need
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