Open data - Download the Knowledge base
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The Aragon Open Data initiative started in 2012 by the Aragon Government. It is a portal where open data are shown in reusable format with the main objective of being used by other people or companies to develop software and services for citizens, thus creating economic wealth through the reuse of information and the fostering of transparency.
Given the volume of data, the need for an improved structuring of information and the standardization of data emerged. Thus the General Direction of Electronic Administration and Society with the technical support of ITAINNOVA, have created an ontology model called E2IA ( to organize and put together all the information published by the Aragon Government. EI2A defines a set or technical and legal rules which allow data standardization.
The ontology model allows the gathering, processing and structuring on non-homogenous information using natural language processing and semantig technologies to ease the access, use and search of information to the citizens. Institutional information is offered from a single access point so that it can be analyzed, exploited and reused in a structured and controlled manner by the Aragón Government's own personnel and by third parties (other institutional websites, media, developers or citizens).
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All the data are licensed as Creative Common CC-BY 4.0.