Cooperative working between decision makers, departments, hierarchy levels

The head of the administration modernisation division on a regional level confirmed that one of the most important needs of public administration is cooperative working. Hierarchy is an important part in public administration but it also represents a limitation for its work. The more complex social problems become, the more complex are the governmental answers to them. Public administrations should be more open and flexible in the cooperation between different stakeholders, partners and hierarchy levels. It is necessary to find a way, in which all partners (inside and outside the governmental sphere) can collaborate closely to achieve the best possible results and improve their performance.[1] Similarly, close collaboration between administrations can help to leverage synergies and harness the insights of other disciplines.


[1] Ketti, D. (2006), Managing Boundaries in American Administration: The Collaboration Imperative,  Public Administration Review, 66(1), 10-19,
Type of content: Needs
Type of need: Organisational need
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