Google Fusion Tables

Google Fusion tables is a web application for data analysis, large data-set visualisation, and mapping. It allows users to easily create data visuals and publish them online instantly with provided subsets and an easy format similar to online files. It further supports the ability to work through larger data sets including filtering, sorting, summarising them in collaboration with other users online. It enables users to share and combine multiple tables between users and publicly available data and merge them into one. The application is still experimental and its API has released V2

Type of content: Assets
Type of asset:
Big data potential
Phase in the policy cycle:
Policy Design and Analysis
Implementation/customisation cost
Open license availability
Ease of use
Tags: Big data
SWOT Analysis for
Google Fusion Tables
Helpful Harmful
StrengthsProvides the ability to:
• Find public data
• Import your own data
• Export your data as CSV or KML.
• Visualise your data instantly
• Publish your visualisation on other web properties
• Host your data online and stay in control
Weaknesses• Experimental app
• Low ease of use
Opportunities• High demand on data analysis apps
• User friendly interface
Threats• Experimental app
• Low ease of use and TRL

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