Improve the Neighborhood

Improve your neighbourhood.

Type of content: Assets
Type of asset:
Use case
Data source
Big data potential
Policy domains: Urban Planning & Transport
Phase in the policy cycle:
Policy Implementation
Open license availability
Ease of use
Tags: Smart City Smart Government Citizen-centred policy-making
SWOT Analysis for
Improve the Neighborhood
Helpful Harmful
Strengths• Map based website and app that helps people in the Netherlands inform their local authority of problems needing their attention, such as potholes, broken street lamps, vandalism etc.
• Provides reports to the relevant municipality or district council: No need for the user to know which authority is responsible for a specific type of problem in a specific location.
• Monitoring tools: citizens can track and discuss the performance of their governments in response to the overall state of their environments
• Democratizing an otherwise bureaucratic process
Weaknesses• Inclusion of people from different sociodemographic backgrounds: Access and use of these platforms in particular, might be difficult for marginalized groups in society as it requires skills and aptitude that are often out of their reach
• The cost of the equipment to access the platforms (e.g. smartphones, tablets, or computers) is a potential factor promoting exclusion.
• Need to better understand the degree of sociodemographic inequality on platforms.
• No user authentication
Opportunities• Recent advances in crowd-based production technologies and other associated methods have triggered numerous crowdsourcing initiatives for a wide range of government, civic, and commercially oriented causes.
• Web-based platforms that crowdsource civic participation for urban governance have become increasingly prominent in recent years
• Promoting civic engagement: citizens can track and discuss the performance of their governments in response to the overall state of their environments
• Public service improvement
• Promote transparency and accountability,
• Democratizing bureaucratic processes
Threats• Marginalizing certain groups of the population
• The cost of the equipment to access the platforms (e.g. smartphones, tablets, or computers) is a potential factor promoting exclusion.

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