Infogram offers over 35 interactive charts and more than 500 maps to help visualise data beautifully. It enables users to create a variety of charts including column, bar, pie, or word cloud or even add a map to their infographics or reports to impress their audience

Type of content: Assets
Type of asset:
Big data potential
Policy domains: Innovation, Science & Technology
Phase in the policy cycle:
Policy Design and Analysis
Open license availability
Tags: Smart work Real time information
SWOT Analysis for
Helpful Harmful
Strengths• Infographics: Create infographics that boost visitor engagement on a website or blog.
• Reports: interactive marketing reports, sales collateral, and more.
• Charts: High-quality graphs and charts. Easy to import your data, customize, and share.
• Dashboards: Connect your data to build live, easily shareable dashboards that visually track your business.
• Maps: map maker to publish professional-quality interactive maps.
• Social Media Visuals: huge bank of photos and icons to create stunning images for Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
• Easy drag-and-drop intuitive, lightweight data editor: easily edit colours and styles, add icons, and set display options.
• Input directly in editor, upload a spreadsheet, get live data integration from cloud service or use API.
Weaknesses• High implementation /customization cost
• Limitations on the amount of pictorial graphics that you can add with the free version.
• Need for intermittent connectivity: As it is a web solution an internet connection is needed. Standalone version would be helpful, as some other solutions have this option
Opportunities• Data visualization is great for reporting in to stakeholders, colleagues or customers that don’t have the time or knowledge to understand or extract the data points themselves.
• Mapping, measuring and understanding the landscape of social media.
• Social network analysis (SNA) is a powerful way to organize a connected world. Network analysis can reveal insights into the way things connect with one another and form groups
Threats• Need for intermittent connectivity: As it is a web solution an internet connection is needed. Standalone version would be helpful, as some other solutions have this option.
• Competition
• Visualisations risk: oversimplification of complex ideas or the loss of detail
• Data ownership

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