Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

Knowledge base data visualization

knowledge base data graph

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Displaying 41 - 50 of 52

Tableau democratises visualisation in an elegantly simple and intuitive tool. It is exceptionally powerful in business because it communicates insights through data visualisation. In the analytics process, Tableau’s visuals allow to quickly investigate a hypothesis, sanity check the latter, and just go explore the data before embarking on a treacherous statistical journey

In: Assets

Semantria is a tool that offers a unique service approach by gathering texts, tweets, and other comments from clients and analysing them meticulously to derive actionable and highly valuable insights. Semantria offers text analysis via API and Excel plugin, incorporates a big knowledge base and uses deep learning

In: Assets

Infogram offers over 35 interactive charts and more than 500 maps to help visualise data beautifully. It enables users to create a variety of charts including column, bar, pie, or word cloud or even add a map to their infographics or reports to impress their audience

In: Assets

The City of Adelaide has created a digital 3D City Model that is helping visualise the City’s future, particularly in relation to growth scenarios and land use planning

In: Assets

The goal of the social network game is to help empower people all over the world to come up with creative solutions to our most urgent social problems

In: Assets

Explore the different areas of Inflation Island, see how people react to inflation and deflation, and how the scenery changes. You can also test your knowledge and try to identify the different inflation scenarios

In: Assets

Expressing and visualising opinions on policies.

In: Assets

Exploring how the UK can meet the 2050 emission reduction target using the web-based 2050 Calculator.

In: Assets

Management Consultant for Smart Energy in rural regions. Provides statistics from social media platforms as well as individual data of little regions in terms of mobility, energy and so on.

In: Assets

MapR is a Data Solution for various industries, government and the health sector. 

At the core of MapR is the MapR Converged Data Platform (MCDP) that enables simultaneous analytics and applications, so governments can manage the magnanimity and complexity of data.

In: Assets

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All the data are licensed as Creative Common CC-BY 4.0.