Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

Knowledge base data visualization

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Displaying 21 - 22 of 22

The PSA produces a score that represents the likelihood that a defendant who is released before trial will commit a new crime or will fail to appear for a future court appearance. 

The PSA examines nine factors based on a person’s age, current charge, and criminal history to produce two risk scores: one that predicts risk of failure to appear for future court appearances, and a second that predicts risk of committing a new crime if released before trial.

In: Assets

GENIX is a huge software company and the official Partner of Australia's defence system to create a Big Data Solution for the Military of Australia. They are working closely together with the most renowned universities and science institutes, similar to Fraunhofer Society or Max-Planck-Society in (Germany/Europe), Sciences Po Paris in France (France/Europe) or Fraunhofer Society (international)

In: Assets

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