
First name
Last name
Short bio

Nuria Rodríguez earned a Degree in English Philology from the Complutense University of Madrid in 1997. In 1998 she joined Sema Group Spain (nowadays, Atos Spain). She participated in training and documentation tasks in the telecom market and later on she moved to the Public Administration department where she gained wide experience as a project manager in public sector projects, especially in the educational context for the Regional Government of Madrid. She is currently working as a project manager at Public sector in ARI, Research and Innovation in Atos group, where, over the past years, she has coordinated and participated in a number of European and national projects including ImmigrationPolicy2.0, ePractice2, STRATEGIC, Co-Cities, MaTHiSiS Ciudad2020, SONNETS and Big Policy Canvas.

Role in the project
Member of the Big Policy Canvas Consortium