
First name
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Short bio

Malena Donato is a senior Project Manager and Business Consultant, with broad experience in European Research Innovation and Development projects in the Telecommunications and Internet industries. Her expertise focuses on business planning, market analysis, exploitation and dissemination activities. She has been working within Atos Research and Innovation since 10 years. Currently, she’s  SMART-FI Project Coordinator and Exploitation Manager in ElasTest and STAMP (all H2020 projects). Previously she worked in FIWARE, XIFI, SUPERSEDE and MARKOS as a business analyst and on market research and commercial exploitation and dissemination activities. Malena is an Innovation and Design Thinking Educator among a team organizing internal workshops on Innovation and Creativity. She has extensive experience as a consultant for market trends on ICT in the fields of Smart Cities, Future of Internet, Software Engineering and testing.

Role in the project
Stakeholder / Contributor