Copernicus Marine environment monitoring service

Marine data is an engine for “smart and sustainable growth” in the European Union, as stated in the recent Marine Knowledge 2020 EC Communication. The Copernicus Marine Service has been designed to respond to issues emerging in the environmental, business and scientific sectors. Using information from both satellite and in situ observations, it provides state-of-the-art analyses and forecasts daily, which offer an unprecedented capability to observe, understand and anticipate marine environment events

Type of content: Assets
Type of asset:
Code list / Ontology / Taxonomy / Vocabulary
Big data potential
Policy domains: Innovation, Science & Technology
Open license availability
SWOT Analysis for
Copernicus Marine environment monitoring service
Helpful Harmful
StrengthsA unique European Marine capability and core-knowledge base
A catalogue of services meeting users requirements
Serving many areas of benefits
WeaknessesNot as well known as other tools
Volume limitations when it comes to downloading, for enhancing the performance
Not open acess to all the reports
OpportunitiesProviding products and services for all marine applications
Support to European and Regional decision makers implied in European policies linked to the Marine Environment and Security
ThreatsExistance of other competitive and more popular tools


Is there a way to explore the available data and create custom reports, in order to use them for policy making related to the maritime section?

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