EDA, the European Defence Analytics System, is a Modelling and Simulation Project for the WIP European defence strategy. It's a supranational solution for the EU members to intensify the military cooperation among the EU Member states

Type of content: Assets
Type of asset:
Big data potential
Policy domains: International Issues and Defense
Phase in the policy cycle:
Policy Design and Analysis
Implementation/customisation cost
Open license availability
Ease of use
Tags: BI Data analytics Process and resource optimisation
SWOT Analysis for
Helpful Harmful
Strengths• Programme Preparation: development of future operating concepts and capability management activities.
• Operational Analysis: analytical techniques used to inform defence decision making
• System Development: acquisition, development and fielding of new or enhanced military capabilities
• Training: development of in-service doctrine, analysis to identify training gaps, retention issues, alternative training methods, and Live, Virtual or Constructive military training:
• Support to Operations: decision making support to the planning and conduct of operational activities.
Weaknesses• Low ease of use
• High implementation/ customisation cost
• The technologies in question must be mature enough to be included in defence platforms and systems.
Opportunities• Internet of Things
• Autonomous systems (drones etc)
• Additive Manufacturing (AM), known as 3D-printing, has been identified by the European Commission as one of the key enabling technologies to improve European industrial competitiveness given its ability for rapid, delocalised and flexible manufacturing.
• Understanding the impact on Modelling & Simulation across the full breadth of its use in the life cycle of future military systems.
• Exploring the Big Data domain to understand how its tools and techniques could best be applied to Modelling & Simulation (M&S) activities in the Defence environment
• Investment in innovative hardware and software architectures (such as open-standard Hadoop Distributed File System and associated application MapReduce).
• Enhancing military capabilities
Threats• Cyber-attack: a constant battle which constrains the pace of change
• Political, cultural, sociological and regulatory issues as well as their potential ethical and legal implications
• Safety constraints need to be considered (autonomous systems)
• Volume and velocity of data
• Rapid acceleration of data growth
• Increased data volumes pushed into the network
• Growing variation in types of data assets for analysis
• Alternative and unsynchronised methods for facilitating data delivery
• Rising demand for real-time integration of analytical result.

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