Smart Surveillance Systems

The term “smart” in this trend indicates, that it is not only about collecting and storing data, but about automation of data analyses. Kim et al. describe this as follows: “Smart surveillance system is mainly composed of automatic video/audio analysis. Therefore, an emerging surveillance system must consider multimedia information for monitoring activities and extracting meaningful information from the environment.”[1]
In this context, Zuboff introduced the concept of surveillance capitalism. Surveillance capitalism can be described as a new subspecies of capitalism that considers data as a source of revenue. In this type of capitalism, profit is obtained from the supervision and modification of human behaviour. For this purpose, real-time data are used (for example from insurance companies) to influence people. [2]


[1]    Kim, B., Psannis, K., Bhaskar, H. (2017), Special section on emerging multimedia technology for smart surveillance system with IoT environment, The Journal of Supercomputing, 73(3), 923-925
[2]    Zuboff, S. (2015), Big Other: Surveillance Capitalism and the Prospects of an Information Civilization, Journal of Information Technology, 30, 75-89.
Trend tendency (Frequency of related scientific publications)
Trend tendency (absolute frequency of related scientific publications)
Trend tendency in categories (absolute frequency of related scientific publications)
Type of content:
Type of trend:
Assessment matrix
 Agenda SettingPolicy Design and AnalysisPolicy ImplementationPolicy Monitoring and Evaluation
Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods
Economy & Finance
Education, Youth, Culture & Sport
Employment & Social Security
Environment & Energy
Foreign Affairs and Defence
Justice, Legal System & Public Safety
Public Affairs
Innovation, Science & Technology
Urban Planning & Transport
Institutional Questions / Internal Affairs

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