Take into account local and regional specificities

It is most important to take into account the state-specific circumstances, as well as local and regional specificities. For example, the German public administration differs fundamentally from public administration in other countries. Solutions that were identified as right and expedient for one country are not automatically useful in another. The possibilities of implementation will vary due to diverse traditions and organisational cultures. That is why "one size fits all"-policies should be avoided.[1]


[1] Laski, K., Podkaminer, L. (2012), The basic paradigms of EU economic policy-making need to be changed, Cambrigde Journal of Economics, 36, 253-270, https://doi.org/10.1093/cje/ber030.
Type of content: Needs
Type of need: Strategical need
Assessment matrix
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Institutional Questions / Internal Affairs


Thanks for your input. We will take the mentioned tool into consideration. It is not clear though, if and if so - how GISA is offering region-specific solutions for the public sector. Could you explain this a bit further? :)

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