Security by Design

Security by design is an approach in software engineering that promotes to design software from the ground up to be secure.
Core pillars of information security are confidentiality (only allow access to data for which the user is permitted), integrity (ensure data is not tampered or altered by unauthorized users) and availability (ensure systems and data are available to authorized users when they need it). [1]


[1]    OWASP (2016), Security by Design Principles,, retrieved January 25, 2018.
Trend tendency (Frequency of related scientific publications)
Trend tendency (absolute frequency of related scientific publications)
Trend tendency in categories (absolute frequency of related scientific publications)
Type of content:
Type of trend:
Assessment matrix
 Agenda SettingPolicy Design and AnalysisPolicy ImplementationPolicy Monitoring and Evaluation
Agriculture, Fisheries, Forestry & Foods
Economy & Finance
Education, Youth, Culture & Sport
Employment & Social Security
Environment & Energy
Foreign Affairs and Defence
Justice, Legal System & Public Safety
Public Affairs
Innovation, Science & Technology
Urban Planning & Transport
Institutional Questions / Internal Affairs


You are very precise considering security by design a trend related to the public sector. Since public authorities are currently paving the way towards the cloud, towards digitization etc., and given that they cope with private and/or sensitive data, security is of the utmost importance!

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