Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

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Displaying 1 - 5 of 5

A relevant but also critical factor in public management is the staff. It is important to recruit junior staff and specialists, which can manage the given challenges and have the necessary skills and technical knowledge to promote the digital transformation. Particularly in view of the demographic developments, it seems essential to recruit new staff and retain them in the long term.[1]

In: Needs

Public sector has to deliver services to citizens despite resource constraints and budgetary pressures. Because of this personnel and financial limitations, available resources must be used as cost saving and valuable as possible.

In: Needs

This need is primarily about developing and understanding of the technical processes in the administration. Technological potential has to be identified and understood, thereby reducing employees´ fears of technology and possible consequences. A basic understanding of technology in administration can help make the benefits of technology fully available.

In: Needs

Similar to the standardisation of processes, standardising data management can also provide significant benefits to the public administration, such as time savings and efficiency gains. It is important for the public administration to know what data is available and where it is located. For this purpose, a data monitoring should be established. The need for standardised data management has been confirmed in almost all conducted interviews.

In: Needs

Stable rules enable continuous and reliable control of public administration, which acts within a legal framework. Therefore, public administrations’ work requires stability, consistency, precision and unambiguity of legal regulation. [1]

In: Needs

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