Knowledge Base

About this tool

The Big Policy Canvas Knowledge Base is a state-of-the-art, online and dynamic repository that functions as an accumulator uniting all the knowledge produced during the project. It is structured along the three dimensions of needs, trends and assets and furthermore offers a mapping among them by defining how they are interconnected and how they influence each other.

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Displaying 21 - 30 of 30

Runestatic offers a vast amount of diagnostic health tools and apps for the smart phone communities

In: Assets

Official Service partner for Microsoft and NATO.The main aim is that the customer should be able to concentrate on the important things, without having to waste time on or worry about maintaining their systems. That has led to the development of numerous tools that offer immeasurable help with performance optimization, data security, data imaging and with the recovery lost data.

In: Assets

ALERTS (beta), the Automated Land change Evaluation, Reporting and Tracking System, beta edition, is a web-based prototype application for near real-time global land use and land cover change detection

In: Assets

A tool to guide policy makers to derive specific policies and regulatory mechanisms in an agile and iterative manner – integrating both design thinking and evidence - based policy making. This notion of a canvas is borrowed from the business world. The canvas approach helps translate broad insights and understandings to the needs of a particular country. It also helps define the key issues at stake as well as metrics to evaluate success and suggest avenues for possible iteration and improvement.

In: Assets

GENIX is a huge software company and the official Partner of Australia's defence system to create a Big Data Solution for the Military of Australia. They are working closely together with the most renowned universities and science institutes, similar to Fraunhofer Society or Max-Planck-Society in (Germany/Europe), Sciences Po Paris in France (France/Europe) or Fraunhofer Society (international)

In: Assets

This case focuses on the opportunity that micro - data on learning processes (e.g. within universities) and the use of learning analytics provide for the design of educational strategies by policy makers at a national and European level

In: Assets

The same as ID 108(KDI Project). A Medical Data Solution for hospitals and governments. They are primary using the software solution parts developed by Big Data International (

In: Assets

AGROVOC is a controlled vocabulary covering all areas of interest of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations, including food, nutrition, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, environment etc. It is published by FAO and edited by a community of experts.

In: Assets

New taxonomy of industries according to their level of R&D intensity - the ratio of R&D to value added within an industry. Manufacturing and non-manufacturing activities are clustered into five groups (high, medium-high, medium, medium-low, and low R&D intensity industries), drawing on new and expanded evidence from most OECD countries and some partner economies.

In: Assets

Marine data is an engine for “smart and sustainable growth” in the European Union, as stated in the recent Marine Knowledge 2020 EC Communication. The Copernicus Marine Service has been designed to respond to issues emerging in the environmental, business and scientific sectors. Using information from both satellite and in situ observations, it provides state-of-the-art analyses and forecasts daily, which offer an unprecedented capability to observe, understand and anticipate marine environment events

In: Assets

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